Special O Olympics T Table Tennis Coaching Guide Planning a Table T Tennis Training & Competition Season Tips fo Conducting Safe Tr or raining Ses ssions onsibility to ensure that at thletes know, understand and apprecia the risks o table , ate of Coaches have a respo T d o re es' oncerns. Table tennis is no a ot tennis. The safety and well-being of athletes ar the coache primary co dangerous sport, but accidents do occur when coaches forg to take sa o get afety precautions. It is the head r y nce s g coach's responsibility to minimize the occurren of injuries by providing safe conditions. General Safety Practices E ar ehavior at you first practi and enfor them. ur ice rce 1. Establish clea rules for be · Keep your hands to your h rself. · Listen to the coach. · When you hear the whist Stop, Loo and Listen h tle, ok, n. · Ask the coach before you leave the tr u raining area. 2. Make sure ath M hletes bring water to ever practice. w ry 3. Check your first aid kit; res C stock supplie as necessar es ry. 4. Train all athle T etes and coac ches on emerg gency proced dures. 5. Choose a safe practice are with no dis C e ea stractions. 6. Review your first aid and emergency pr R f e rocedures. Ha someone who is trained in first- aid and ave e d CPR on or ver near to the practice are C ry e eas. 7. Establish clea rules for be E ar ehavior at you first trainin session. ur ng 8. Warm up and stretch prop W perly at the be eginning of e each training session to pr revent muscle injuries. e 9. Train to impro the gene fitness lev of your pl T ove eral vel layers. Physic cally fit table tennis player are less rs likely to get injured. Make your training sessions Ac l e g ctive. 10. Make sure all equipment is in good working order. M l 11. Always have your players in front of yo and face th athletes w A y i ou he when teaching g. Special Oly ympics Table Tennis Coaching Guide - July 2014 G 4 11