Special O Olympics T Table Tennis Coaching Guide Planning a Table T Tennis Training & Competition Season Table Tennis Practice Comp T petitions The more we compet the better we get. Part of the strate te, r t egic plan for S Special Olympics Table Te ennis is to drive mo sport deve ore elopment at the local leve Competit els. tion motivate athletes, co es oaches and th entire he sport ma anagement te eam. Expand or add to you schedule a s many comp ur petition oppo ortunities as p possible. Suggesti ions are provided below. 1. Ho a Special Olympics area or regional table tennis tournament ost O 2. Ho or particip ost pate in practice sessions with athletes from other lo w ocal Special O Olympics Table Tennis pr rograms 3. As a nearby ta sk able tennis club if your ath hletes can pra actice with th hem 4. Inc corporate competition components at the end of e t every training session g 5. En ncourage your athletes’' de evelopment by exposing t b them to highe er-skilled com mpetition by a attending local tourname ents and clinic cs Special Oly ympics Table Tennis Coaching Guide –- July 2014 G 4 13