Special O Olympics T Table Tennis Coaching Guide Planning a Table T Tennis Training & Competition Season Sample Practice Sc chedule It is impo ortant that ea athlete ha a persona training pr ach ave al rogram design for them in order to h ned m help them achieve the best results. Following is a basic practice sched t dule for a table tennis prog gram: ching Warm-Up and Stretc M (10-15 Minutes) Before stretching, hav the athlete slowly jog around the p ve es practice o s area. This gets the blo od flowing to the muscles that will be d stretched next Athletes should stretc each major muscle grou s ch r up Have an athlete lead t he stretches. This allows y as the coach, to a . you assist indi ividual athlet tes Emphasize basic skills through drill performed by athletes ( ls (such as racket grip) struction Skills Ins (10-15 Minutes) M Introduce the theme o a new skill e of Demonstr rate the prop technique per e Divide int smaller gro to oups to pract tice the skill w a coach with Introduce drill(s) desig e gned to pract tice the skill ence Competition Experie M (10-20 Minutes) Incorpora the new skill into a com ate mpetition (for example: ke score eep to see wh can hit the most backha strokes o ho and over the net) Emphasize the newly i ntroduced sk in a game/ kill /point situati ion Organize practice mat tches oning Exercis ses Conditio (5-10 Minutes) Conduct table tennis s t specific agility drills y Perform general drills that emphas g size proper fo ootwork and movemen nt wn Cool-dow (5 Minut tes) Perform slow walk/jog s g/stretch As athlete cool down , make comm es ments and ann nouncements s Finish wit a team che th eer Essential Compone ents of a Ta able Tennis Training Se ession Each trai ining session needs to con ntain the sam essential elements. The amount of t me e time spent on each n element will depend on the goal of the training session and the amount of time avail o g d lable for a particular session. Rememb when crea ber ating a trainin session, th progressio through th session sho ng he on he ould allow for a gradual build-up of physical activit including the following elements: b ty Easy to difficu ult Slow to fast Known to unknown K General to spe G ecific Start to finish (logical progression) Special Oly ympics Table Tennis Coaching Guide - July 2014 G 4 7