Special Olympics Table Ten l s nnis Coaching Guide Table Tennis Rule Protoco & Etique T es, ol ette Sportsmanship "Let me win. But if I cannot win, le me be brav in the attem et ve mpt." Good spo ortsmanship is both the co oach and athletes' commitment to fair play, ethical behavior and r d integrity In perceptio and practic sportsmanship is defin as those q y. on ce, ned qualities whic are charac ch cterized by gener rosity and genuine concern for others. Below we hig ghlight a few focus points and ideas on how to w s n teach and coach sportsmanship to your athlete o es. Compet titive Effort Pu forth maxim ut mum effort during each event. d Pr ractice the skills with the same intensit as you wou perform them in competition. s ty uld Always finish th competitio - never qu he on uit. Fair Pla at All Tim ay mes Always comply with the rule y es De emonstrate sportsmanship and fair pla at all times ay s Re espect the de ecision of the officials at all times Expecta ations of Co oaches Always set a go example for participants and fans to follow. ood Ins struct participants in prop sportsman per nship respon sibilities and demand that they make t sp portsmanship and ethics th top prior heir rity. Give positive re einforcement of athlete performance. t espect the jud dgment of of fficials, abide by rules of th event and display no behavior that could he Re inc fans. cite Tr reat opposing coaches, dir g rectors, partic cipants and fa with resp ans pect. Sh hake hands with officials and opposing coaches in public. De evelop and en nforce penalt for partic ties cipants who d not abide by sportsman do nship standar rds. Expecta ations of At thletes & Pa artners in Unified Spor U rts® Tr reat teammat with respe tes ect. En ncourage team mmates when they make a mistake. Tr reat opponen with respe shake han prior to a after cont nts ect: nds and tests. Re espect judgm ment of contes officials, ab st bide by rules of the contest and display no behavior that y co ould incite fan ns. Co ooperate with officials, coaches or dire h ectors and fel llow participa ants to condu a fair cont uct test. Do not retaliate (verbally or physically) if the other te o r f eam demonst trates poor behavior. Ac ccept seriously the respon nsibility and privilege of re p epresenting S Special Olymp pics. De efine winning as doing you personal best. g ur Liv up to the high standard of sportsma ve h d anship establ ished by your coach. 76 Special Olymp pics Table Tennis Coaching Guide- July 2014 s