Special Olympics Table Ten s nnis Coaching Guide Plannin a Table Tennis Tra ng aining & Co ompetition Season n General Teaching Suggestions S Go through th basic components of ea skill G he ach Provide clear, visual demo P onstrations of how to prop f perly perform each skill m Keep it simple! Use verbal cues and ke words that simplify a ne skill K ey ew Be aware of some of the common errors made by a thletes with a average or lower abilit B s c ty an Remember th importance of repetitio and reinfo rcement whe training Sp R he on en pecial Olympi ics athletes a Coaches should encourage athlete to stay in control and co es c oncentrate on consistent repetitions rather eed. If an athlete loses con ntrol of the ba start over and stress re all, r epetition. Athletes who are than spe experien ncing difficult may be better suited using balloon or foam ba These obj ties u ns alls. jects slow do own the speed of the ball and allow athlete the opport f es tunity for gre eater success in newly intr s roduced skills s. 8 Special Olympic Table Tennis Coaching Guide - July 2014 cs e