Special O Olympics T Table Tennis Coaching Guide Planning a Table T Tennis Training & Competition Season Princip ples of Effe ective Training Sessions a a Keep all athletes active Athlete needs to be a active liste n an ener Create clear, concise goals e Learning improves wh athletes know what is expected of them g hen s f Give clear, concise instructions c e ase of n Demonstrate - increa accuracy o instruction Record progress You and your athlete s chart progr ress together r Give positive feed p dback Emphasize and rewar things the athlete is doing well rd Provid variety de Vary exe ercises - prev ent boredom m Encou urage enjoym ment Training and competi ition is fun, he keep it th way for yo and elp his ou your athletes Create progressions e Learning is increased when inform g mation progre esses from: Known to unk K known - disco overing new t things successfully Simple to com mplex - seeing that "I" can do it g General to spe G ecific - this is why I am wo s orking so hard d Plan maximum use of resource m e es nd do Use what you have an improvise for equipment that you d not hink creativel ly have - th Allow for individua difference al es ning rates, dif fferent capac cities. Different athletes, di fferent learn Special Oly ympics Table Tennis Coaching Guide - July 2014 G 4 9